Tuesday 29 April 2014

PDF⋙ Manhattan Project: The Birth of the Atomic Bomb in the Words of Its Creators, Eyewitnesses, and Historians

Manhattan Project: The Birth of the Atomic Bomb in the Words of Its Creators, Eyewitnesses, and Historians

Manhattan Project: The Birth of the Atomic Bomb in the Words of Its Creators, Eyewitnesses, and Historians

Manhattan Project: The Birth of the Atomic Bomb in the Words of Its Creators, Eyewitnesses, and Historians PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The first collection ever of the writings and insights of the original creators of the atomic bomb, along with pieces by the most important historians and interpreters of the subject, is now in paperback.

Born out of a small research program begun in 1939, the Manhattan Project eventually employed more than 130,000 people, including our foremost scientists and thinkers, and cost nearly $2 billion?and it was operated under a shroud of absolute secrecy. This groundbreaking collection of documents, essays, articles, and excerpts from histories, biographies, plays, novels, letters, and the oral histories of key eyewitnesses is the freshest, most exhaustive exploration yet of the topic.

Compiled by experts at the Atomic Heritage Foundation, the book features first-hand material by Albert Einstein, Leslie Groves, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Leo Szilard, Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman, Niels Bohr, Henry Stimson, and many others.

Dozens of photographs depict key moments and significant figures, and concise explanatory material accompanies each selection. The project's aftermath and legacy are covered as well, making this the most comprehensive account of the birth of the atomic age.

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Sunday 27 April 2014

PDF⋙ Art: A History of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Vol. 2: Renaissance, Baroque, Modern World by Frederick Hartt

Art: A History of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Vol. 2: Renaissance, Baroque, Modern World by Frederick Hartt

Art: A History of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Vol. 2: Renaissance, Baroque, Modern World

Art: A History of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Vol. 2: Renaissance, Baroque, Modern World by Frederick Hartt PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Art: A History of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Vol 2, by Hartt, Fredderick

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Read Art: A History of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Vol. 2: Renaissance, Baroque, Modern World by Frederick Hartt for online ebook

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PDF⋙ The Inner Citadel: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius (Meditations of Marcus Aurelius) by Pierre Hadot

The Inner Citadel: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius (Meditations of Marcus Aurelius) by Pierre Hadot

The Inner Citadel: The <i>Meditations</i> of Marcus Aurelius (Meditations of Marcus Aurelius)

The Inner Citadel: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius (Meditations of Marcus Aurelius) by Pierre Hadot PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius are treasured today--as they have been over the centuries--as an inexhaustible source of wisdom. And as one of the three most important expressions of Stoicism, this is an essential text for everyone interested in ancient religion and philosophy. Yet the clarity and ease of the work's style are deceptive. Pierre Hadot, eminent historian of ancient thought, uncovers new levels of meaning and expands our understanding of its underlying philosophy.

Written by the Roman emperor for his own private guidance and self-admonition, the Meditations set forth principles for living a good and just life. Hadot probes Marcus Aurelius's guidelines and convictions and discerns the hitherto unperceived conceptual system that grounds them. Abundantly quoting the Meditations to illustrate his analysis, the author allows Marcus Aurelius to speak directly to the reader. And Hadot unfolds for us the philosophical context of the Meditations, commenting on the philosophers Marcus Aurelius read and giving special attention to the teachings of Epictetus, whose disciple he was.

The soul, the guiding principle within us, is in Marcus Aurelius's Stoic philosophy an inviolable stronghold of freedom, the "inner citadel." This spirited and engaging study of his thought offers a fresh picture of the fascinating philosopher-emperor, a fuller understanding of the tradition and doctrines of Stoicism, and rich insight on the culture of the Roman empire in the second century. Pierre Hadot has been working on Marcus Aurelius for more than twenty years; in this book he distills his analysis and conclusions with extraordinary lucidity for the general reader.

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Saturday 26 April 2014

PDF⋙ An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke) by John Locke

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke) by John Locke

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke)

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke) by John Locke PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Published in 1689, John Locke's pioneering investigation into the origins, certainty, and extent of human knowledge set the groundwork for modern philosophy and influenced psychology, literature, political theory, and other areas of human thought and expression.

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Sunday 20 April 2014

PDF⋙ Final Quest (The Secrets of Droon: Special Edition #8) by Tony Abbott

Final Quest (The Secrets of Droon: Special Edition #8) by Tony Abbott

Final Quest (The Secrets of Droon: Special Edition #8)

Final Quest (The Secrets of Droon: Special Edition #8) by Tony Abbott PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The secret is out--DROON is the series that kids, parents, and teachers are talking about! There are more than 9 million DROON books in print.

An immortal dragon. A long hidden secret. The kingdom of Droon is at the brink of war. . .

The situation in Droon has never been more desperate. The wizard Galen is missing. Eric has been forced undercover with Gethwing, the all-powerful Moon Dragon. And millions of beasts are assembling outside Jaffa City, ready to attack Droon's capital.

Eric, Keeah, Neal, and Julie will do whatever it takes to save their beloved kingdom. But to defeat the Moon Dragon, they'll need to uncover the greatest secret in all of Droon. . . .

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PDF⋙ Unlimited Access : An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich

Unlimited Access : An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich

Unlimited Access : An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House

Unlimited Access : An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Argues that the Clinton administration bypassed established security checks to bring in unsuitable associates, and discusses later cases of possibly inappropriate behavior.

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Saturday 19 April 2014

PDF⋙ Persian Fire: The First World Empire and the Battle for the West by Tom Holland

Persian Fire: The First World Empire and the Battle for the West by Tom Holland

Persian Fire: The First World Empire and the Battle for the West

Persian Fire: The First World Empire and the Battle for the West by Tom Holland PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In 480 B.C., Xerxes, the King of Persia, led an invasion of mainland Greece. Its success should have been a formality. For seventy years, victory—rapid, spectacular victory—had seemed the birthright of the Persian Empire. In the space of a single generation, they had swept across the Near East, shattering ancient kingdoms, storming famous cities, putting together an empire which stretched from India to the shores of the Aegean. As a result of those conquests, Xerxes ruled as the most powerful man on the planet. Yet somehow, astonishingly, against the largest expeditionary force ever assembled, the Greeks of the mainland managed to hold out. The Persians were turned back. Greece remained free. Had the Greeks been defeated in the epochal naval battle at Salamis, not only would the West have lost its first struggle for independence and survival, but it is unlikely that there would ever have been such an entity as the West at all.

Tom Holland’s brilliant new book describes the very first “clash of Empires” between East and West. As he did in the critically praised Rubicon, he has found extraordinary parallels between the ancient world and our own. There is no other popular history that takes in the entire sweep of the Persian Wars, and no other classical historian, academic or popular, who combines scholarly rigor with novelistic depth with a worldly irony in quite the fashion that Tom Holland does.

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Thursday 17 April 2014

PDF⋙ Pastor Needs a Boo (Pastor's Aid Club) by Michele Andrea Bowen

Pastor Needs a Boo (Pastor's Aid Club) by Michele Andrea Bowen

Pastor Needs a Boo (Pastor's Aid Club)

Pastor Needs a Boo (Pastor's Aid Club) by Michele Andrea Bowen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Michele Andrea Bowen made a name for herself years ago during the African-American inspirational fiction craze. Now, in Pastor Needs a Boo, she's back with an amazing journey of faith, drama, and love.
It was a regular New Jerusalem Gospel United Church work day for Reverend Denzelle Flowers when Veronica Washington, Keisha Jackson, and Marsha Metcalf showed up after losing their jobs on the same day, same morning, and almost at the same time. Denzelle struggled to solve that first problem. The other problem―the lovely Marsha―would be much harder to solve. Denzelle didn't even know how to fight wanting to turn in the playah's card and getting "booed" up with the poster girl for "church girls."
Marsha Metcalf and her fellow unemployed church members aren't Denzelle's biggest problem, though. He is running for bishop, and his enemies―a more ruthless consortium of corrupted clergy―want power badly enough to go to rather extreme lengths for it because the stakes are just that high. Now, his ex-wife was back and sleeping with the enemy, digging for dirt. Reverend Denzelle can't fight this battle alone. This pastor needs a ‘boo' who will stand by his side. Before the dust settles, both Marsha and Denzelle's faith and love will be put to the ultimate test.

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Tuesday 15 April 2014

PDF⋙ Estadistica Elemental: Lo Esencial (Spanish Edition) by Robert Johnson, Patricia Kuby

Estadistica Elemental: Lo Esencial (Spanish Edition) by Robert Johnson, Patricia Kuby

Estadistica Elemental: Lo Esencial (Spanish Edition)

Estadistica Elemental: Lo Esencial (Spanish Edition) by Robert Johnson, Patricia Kuby PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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PDF⋙ Ethics and Technology Assessment: A Participatory Approach (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics) by Matthew Cotton

Ethics and Technology Assessment: A Participatory Approach (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics) by Matthew Cotton

Ethics and Technology Assessment: A Participatory Approach (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics)

Ethics and Technology Assessment: A Participatory Approach (Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics) by Matthew Cotton PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Whether it is nuclear power, geo-engineering or genetically modified foods, the development of new technologies can be fraught with complex ethical challenges and political controversy which defy simple resolution. In the past two decades there has been a shift towards processes of Participatory Technology Assessment designed to build channels of two-way communication between technical specialists and non-expert citizens, and to incorporate multiple stakeholder perspectives in the governance of contentious technology programmes. This participatory turn has spurred a need for new tools and techniques to encourage group deliberation and capture public values, moral and choices. This book specifically examines the ethical dimensions of controversial technologies, and discusses how these can be evaluated in a philosophically robust manner when the ones doing the deliberating are not ethicists, legal or technical experts. Grounded in philosophical pragmatism and drawing upon empirical work in partnership with citizen-stakeholders, this book presents a model called “Reflective Ethical Mapping” - a new meta-ethical framework and toolbox of techniques to facilitate citizen engagement with technology ethics.

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Saturday 12 April 2014

PDF⋙ By Jeffry S. Life M.D. Ph.D. Mastering the Life Plan: The Essential Steps to Achieving Great Health and a Leaner, Stronger, and S [Hardcover]

By Jeffry S. Life M.D. Ph.D. Mastering the Life Plan: The Essential Steps to Achieving Great Health and a Leaner, Stronger, and S [Hardcover]

By Jeffry S. Life M.D. Ph.D. Mastering the Life Plan: The Essential Steps to Achieving Great Health and a Leaner, Stronger, and S [Hardcover]

By Jeffry S. Life M.D. Ph.D. Mastering the Life Plan: The Essential Steps to Achieving Great Health and a Leaner, Stronger, and S [Hardcover] PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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Tuesday 8 April 2014

PDF⋙ By Gary Friedman The Complete Guide to Sony's Cyber-Shot RX-100 (B&W Edition)

By Gary Friedman The Complete Guide to Sony's Cyber-Shot RX-100 (B&W Edition)

By Gary Friedman The Complete Guide to Sony's Cyber-Shot RX-100 (B&W Edition)

By Gary Friedman The Complete Guide to Sony's Cyber-Shot RX-100 (B&W Edition) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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Monday 7 April 2014

PDF⋙ Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution by Caroline Weber

Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution by Caroline Weber

Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution

Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution by Caroline Weber PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A Washington Post Book World Best Book of the Year

When her carriage first crossed over from her native Austria into France, fourteen-year-old Marie Antoinette was taken out, stripped naked before an entourage, and dressed in French attire to please the court of her new king. For a short while, the young girl played the part.

But by the time she took the throne, everything had changed. In Queen of Fashion, Caroline Weber tells of the radical restyling that transformed the young queen into an icon and shaped the future of the nation. With her riding gear, her white furs, her pouf hairstyles, and her intricate ballroom disguises, Marie Antoinette came to embody--gloriously and tragically--all the extravagance of the monarchy.

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Sunday 6 April 2014

PDF⋙ Crash Course (Hover Car Racer) by Matthew Reilly (24-Oct-2006) Paperback

Crash Course (Hover Car Racer) by Matthew Reilly (24-Oct-2006) Paperback

Crash Course (Hover Car Racer) by Matthew Reilly (24-Oct-2006) Paperback

Crash Course (Hover Car Racer) by Matthew Reilly (24-Oct-2006) Paperback PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From reader reviews:

Fred Howell:

Book is to be different for each and every grade. Book for children until finally adult are different content. We all know that that book is very important normally. The book Crash Course (Hover Car Racer) by Matthew Reilly (24-Oct-2006) Paperback ended up being making you to know about other understanding and of course you can take more information. It is quite advantages for you. The book Crash Course (Hover Car Racer) by Matthew Reilly (24-Oct-2006) Paperback is not only giving you far more new information but also being your friend when you truly feel bored. You can spend your spend time to read your reserve. Try to make relationship while using book Crash Course (Hover Car Racer) by Matthew Reilly (24-Oct-2006) Paperback. You never feel lose out for everything in the event you read some books.

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PDF⋙ Double Play (Pacific Heat Book 1) by Jill Shalvis

Double Play (Pacific Heat Book 1) by Jill Shalvis

Double Play (Pacific Heat Book 1)

Double Play (Pacific Heat Book 1) by Jill Shalvis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From the author of Slow Heat, The Trouble with Paradise, and the Lucky Harbor novels...

Pace Martin is the ace pitcher for the Pacific Heat. He's got the arm, the experience and the wins. He's also got the pain, the pressure, and the possible end of his career looming over him. The last thing he needs now is a distraction, even if it comes in the form of a tough, beautiful, tell-it-like-it-is writer who sees past his defenses.

Holly Hutchins knows a good story when she sees one, and the tall, dark and slightly attitude-ridden Pace Martin fits the bill. But when she realizes there’s more at stake than just the win, she starts to notice the handsome broad-shouldered jock in a different light.

Pace and Holly begin a seductive game in which neither wants to drop the ball, but in the face of an unexpected betrayal and challenge, they’ll have to find the courage to swing for the fences…

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Friday 4 April 2014

PDF⋙ Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education

Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education

Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education

Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

An authoritative overview of the current state of the field of adult and continuing education

Drawing on the contributions of 75 leading authors in the field, this 2010 Edition of the respected Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education provides adult education scholars, program administrators, and teachers with a solid foundation for understanding the current guiding beliefs, practices, and tensions faced in the field, as well as a basis for developing and refining their own approaches to their work and scholarship.

Offering expanded discussions in the areas of social justice, technology, and the global dimensions of adult and continuing education, the Handbook continues the tradition of previous volumes with discussions of contemporary theories, current forms and contexts of practice, and core processes and functions. Insightful chapters examine adult and continuing education as it relates to gender and sexuality, race, our aging society, class and place, and disability.

Key Features

  • Expanded coverage of social justice, the impact of technology, and the global dimensions of adult and continuing education provides a useful update on theories and practices in the field as they have evolved during the last decade.
  • An invaluable introductory overview and synthesis of key aspects of the field of practice and scholarship acquaints new readers to the field
  • The centrality of social justice in adult and continuing education is addressed in a new section.
  • The broader global context of contemporary adult and continuing education is covered in a final section.

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PDF⋙ Playing It Safe by Barbie Bohrman

Playing It Safe by Barbie Bohrman

Playing It Safe

Playing It Safe by Barbie Bohrman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Julia Boyd has dated more than her share of jerks, and she’s done even pretending to like them—and her sharp tongue wouldn’t let her fake it anyway. Putting her dating life on hold and focusing on her event planning career is a much safer bet for this salacious blue-eyed blonde…until she meets her newest client.

Organizing the opening for an art gallery should be a breeze for Julia, but gallery owner Alex Holt is becoming very distracting. Tall and muscular with enough charisma and sexy dimples to make Julia swoon (then salivate), Alex could be the perfect man. The two of them click immediately, creating enough witty banter to make her libido go into overdrive.

But just before flames of passion can erupt with Alex, Julia begins planning an engagement party…and learns the groom is Aiden, the man who broke her heart years ago. When Aiden admits that he still has feelings for Julia, everything changes. Should she seek shelter in the familiarity of the past, or should she risk everything on a hot new love?

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