Mastering Real Estate Investment: Examples, Metrics And Case Studies by Frank Gallinelli
Mastering Real Estate Investment: Examples, Metrics And Case Studies by Frank Gallinelli PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
By the author of the bestselling guide, "What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know about Cash Flow... " (McGraw-Hill, 2004) Develop a command of the essential formulas and concepts that underlie income-property investing: * Capitalization Rate * Net Operating Income * Present Value * Debt Coverage Ratio * Internal Rate of Return and much more Here Gallinelli revisits the 37 key metrics from his "Cash Flow" book and guides you through examples that will lead you to mastery of those concepts. He then takes you beyond those formulas to the next level, with detailed case studies of four different properties: * Single-Family Rental * Renovation Project * Apartment Building * Strip Shopping Center You'll analyze these properties with him and learn to look behind the numbers, to think like a successful investor and to recognize both the opportunities and the perils you might encounter when you invest in real estate.From reader reviews:
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