Our Iceberg Is Melting Change Scorecard by John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber
Our Iceberg Is Melting Change Scorecard by John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Change Scorecard provides you with a set of questions that can help a team to get on the same iceberg and a way to track your progress. To use these cards effectively in a group setting, all team members should have read Our Iceberg Is Melting. How can these cards work for youand your team? The cards encourage the use of the common language, visuals and ideas created by the story. The cards focus your attention on unresolved or incomplete steps in the change process. Teams can more easily talk about what is going on and what needs to happen.What is needed? Plan on one set of Change Scorecards per person. To use the cards effectively in a group setting, have all team members read Our Iceberg Is Melting beforehand. With your group, use the Change Scorecards to help facilitate a candid dialogue about what is (really) happening on your iceberg.From reader reviews:
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